Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rick Santorum on Real Time with Bill Maher 3/2/2012

So I can't actually find a clip of this on HBO or You Tube so I decided to recreate it because it's pretty funny. This comes from Bill Maher's Real Time from March 2nd (Episode 239: http://www.hbo.com/real-time-with-bill-maher/index.html#/real-time-with-bill-maher/episodes/0/239-episode/index.html).

He says in his New Rules section:

"Now that Snooki is pregnant. Someone has to ask Santorum: "Are you still against contraception?""


"Now that this picture of an openly gay marine's homecoming kiss has gone viral."

Marine kiss

From LA Times

"It has to be included with this picture:"

From NY Times

"And this picture:"

From Black Voices

"In the new coffee table book "101 Ways to Make Rick Santorum Throw Up":"

2012-03-06 10.25.46.jpg

From the show
(Sorry for the poor quality, I took this picture of the TV with my phone)

Then he makes other jokes and goes back to Santorum:

"Finally President Obama must stand up and thank the man who's been out there say after day tirelessly helping his campaign: Rick Santorum. Every time I turn on the news Christy-Mc-Sweater-Vest has just said something crazier than the last crazy thing he said. He said JFK makes him want to throw up, not the man, the airport. Because if god had wanted man to fly he wouldn't have made flight attendants so gay. He says climate change is just a big hoax, you know, like big foot or the female orgasm. He thinks condoms are not okay which means he's either a religious nut or has never heard of lube. If Rick Santorum is your youth minister you'd ask your parents to switch you to the ones that just molest. So yes little Ricky is good for comedy."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Museum Mouth "I am the Idiot of the Jungle"

Museum Mouth are a pretty stripped down folk-ish band. Like Ghost Mice with an electric guitar.

It's pretty fun, but not the kind of thing I would listen to a lot...



It's an old EP that they recorded themselves so their new stuff may sound better to the more discerning among us...

Not posting....

So I haven't been posting on here very often, but it's to be expected. I am often busy and don't have the time to intentionally seek out something and listen to it while not doing something else that takes up my concentration (like homework)...

Anyway, in case you aren't already familiar Punknews.org does a lot of album streams that I've been listening to lately. Check that here

A couple of the bands I have heard recently that I like:
The Riot Before

Vultures United (Really excited about this band! Actually, I may buy their LP tonight)

Sweet Empire

These are streams of their songs you should check!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Brothers From Another - Too Soon EP

Brothers from Another are a Seattle hip hop duo. It's pretty normal for Seattle hip hop: creative, good beats, interesting lyrics, not gangster.

I really dig this, I kind of saw them a few months ago...enjoyed it!



Tin Tree Factory - Admire the Mess

Tin Tree Factory are a folk band from Seattle.

I saw them a few years ago in a backyard with Ghost Mice and Heathers, an incredible Irish band!

I started volunteering at the Vera Project and there was someone there that I vaguely recognized. Turns out it was Marc, who does percussion and key stuff for them. He was telling me the other day that they had a new album up for download!

It's generally slower, the lyrics are heartfelt and often political.



No Kings - Steering Underwater

This band is from Walla Walla, Washington. It's not worth knowing about if you didn't know already. To be honest I'm not surprised that a band came from their, but I am surprised that it's good!

This is fast-ish hardcore, not disimilar to Give up the Ghost (American Nightmare for the "purists") or Cursed.



Monday, December 21, 2009

Outasight - Further

This is really cool Hip Hop from New York. I suppose it's indie rap...and I mean indie rap as in: it's got more in common with Bloc Party than Atmosphere. And that's not a bad thing (he actually sounds nothing like Bloc Party, it's just the first band I could think of).

I guess it's kind of a funky, soulful, indie band. There's some great stuff on here. Track number 3, "Don't Say Anything" is really good.

The more I write the more I think that it's something that I like right now, and it has some serious "fame" potential, at which point I'd get bored with it. If I read this I wouldn't listen!

