Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Museum Mouth "I am the Idiot of the Jungle"

Museum Mouth are a pretty stripped down folk-ish band. Like Ghost Mice with an electric guitar.

It's pretty fun, but not the kind of thing I would listen to a lot...



It's an old EP that they recorded themselves so their new stuff may sound better to the more discerning among us...

Not posting....

So I haven't been posting on here very often, but it's to be expected. I am often busy and don't have the time to intentionally seek out something and listen to it while not doing something else that takes up my concentration (like homework)...

Anyway, in case you aren't already familiar does a lot of album streams that I've been listening to lately. Check that here

A couple of the bands I have heard recently that I like:
The Riot Before

Vultures United (Really excited about this band! Actually, I may buy their LP tonight)

Sweet Empire

These are streams of their songs you should check!